
Monday, 30 June 2014

A Cut At Cancer - Quarter Century Edition

Dear family and friends, and friends of family and friends,

Over the past 6 months cancer of many different sorts has wreaked havoc on my family and friends. Cancer has claimed two of the lives and the other two continue to fight strong and hard. One of the lives lost belonged to a dear family friend and second father to me, Billy Ball. He was a loving husband and father. 

The cancer took him on March 25th.

Being over 2,000 miles away from home and from my family and friends has become incresingly frustrating and left me feeling unbelievably helpless. But I'm not helpless.

I have hair.

I know that sounds odd, but let's be honest, what is something most cancer patients that endure chemo therapy end up without? Hair. What do I have growing out of my head at a rapid rate? Hair!

Snip snip ;)

But I can't just cut off my hair and leave it at that. That wouldn't be nearly enough. So here is my real reason for sharing this with everyone.

This is Leslie Miles. Mother of my close friend and roommate from college, Elsie. Sunday night Elsie informed me that a couple months back her mom was diagnosed with Stage 1 Lung Cancer. When she went into surgery to have the cancer removed the doctor found out the PET Scan hadn't found all areas of cancer, so her whole lung had to be removed immediately and her diagnosis was upped to Stage 3 Lung Cancer. The surgery was successful and she had a good recovery. She has finished her second bout of chemo treatment in hopes to catch any other possible cancer risks and is a strong, beautiful woman. But she is unable to work and her husband retired a few years back. Let's face it, the bills that add up between doctors appointments, chemo treatments, and any medicine needed are exceedingly high. They need help.

So here is where you guys come in.

As many of you know, my birthday is coming up on July 26th..I will be a quarter of a century (eek!). I would like to ask that rather than any gifts for me that you instead give to Leslie. I am healthy and working. Anything I could possibly need or want I can purchase on my own.

And here is how everything will work (:

I have set up a fundraiser through YouCaring that I have linked below. The fundraiser is going to run through August 1st. My goal is to raise $500 by then - but I'd love to blow that goal out of the water! Also, on my birthday I will be cutting my hair off - 12 whole inches! I will be donating the hair to Children With Hair Loss in memory of Billy Ball and in honor of Leslie Miles.

Please take the time to share this with everyone you know and, if you are able, please donate to help Leslie's medical bills.

Thank you for taking the time to read and share this and for your generosity! I ask that you please keep Leslie and her family in your prayers and I will keep y'all updated.